I always knew art would be a huge part of my life. I can't seem to resist the thrill of a new design concept or the opportunity to adventure out on a new photography shoot. As soon as my Dad handed me my first Point and Shoot camera as a kid, I became amazed by my own ability to really see my surroundings and extract its beauty through composition and lighting.
As the years went on, I officially made my decision in 2011 to base my career on my biggest passion: Creating. I began college at University of Cincinnati Blue Ash in Electronic Media Technologies. For the next two years I was introduced to the wonderful world of design and how it affects society. I vowed to use these new found skills for the good of humanity and to never lose my values. I studied my way through all Adobe software had to offer, including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, and Premiere. I learned to draw with fancy charcoal sticks and study the history of how art has influenced and been influenced throughout time. After two solid years of soaking up as much as UCBA had to offer, I then graduated and continued my education at Northern Kentucky University.
NKU was a whole new world to me. I was surprised with a slightly bigger campus, a longer drive, and a stronger competition by my peers. It was here I received my Bachelors in Visual Communication Design and expanded my breadth of knowledge beyond what I thought possible. I sculpted with my hands and created Lost Wax Bronze castings. I pressed ink through a screen and quickly found a new respect for screen printers. I designed interactive websites and made costumes by hand. I used giant saws to create wooden armatures and inhaled more plaster than I probably should have. I learned the true meaning of Typography and what it means to communicate visually. Color Theory began to make sense and I finally understood how printers worked. My camera lived around my neck and LightRoom became my best friend.
Today, I use all these skills learned throughout my college career to document people’s lives. It is the most rewarding job I have ever had and I enjoy every minute of it. From meeting my clients to the meditative flow of editing, Photography will always be my greatest enjoyment.